
Welcome to the edrone Academy. Here you will learn more about the eCommerce industry, advanced Customer Experience technologies, and what the edrone system can do to help online stores succeed.

There are two courses currently available.

The first course, Introduction to eCommerce & edrone, will provide you with a solid foundation about the eCommerce Industry, CRM systems, and edrone.

Once you pass the first course, you will be invited to take the second course, edrone Fundamentals, where you will learn more about each specific feature and the benefits they provide to our clients. Putting it into simple terms, it will show you everything the edrone system can do.

Both courses provide a Certification of Completion at the end.

We hope that you develop not only a deeper knowledge about eCommerce and the edrone system, but also a stronger connection with edrone’s culture. 

Enjoy your training!


Introduction to edrone & eCommerce

Everything you need to know about eCommerce and our place in it.

edrone Fundamentals

Everything you need (for now) to know about edrone.


Introdução ao e-commerce e à edrone

Tudo que você precisa saber sobre e-commerce e como nos inserimos neste contexto.

edrone – Nível Intermediário

Tudo que você precisa saber (por enquanto) sobre a edrone.


Wprowadzenie do eCommerce & edrone

Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o nas i o eCommerce.

Podstawy edrone

Wszystko co musisz wiedzieć (na ten moment) o edrone CRM.